One of many promo animations for Donal Dinneen’s Backstory Dances | 2024
Poster for a performance by Isadora Esptein as part of Cork Midsummer Festival | 2024
Cover of an art publication for painter Kathy Tynan and writer/curator Benjamin Stafford | 2022
Promo animation for a New Year’s Eve party in The Big Romance | 2023
Film poster for the TG4 documentary REDS! na hÉireann by Kevin Brannigan | 2023
Digital flyer for New Jackson Easter Party at Hang Dai
Logo for the artist coalition Irish Artists for Palestine | 2023
A page from A Vague Anxiety, an art publication for a group show in IMMA | 2018

Stina Sandström
©2024 Stina Sandström