One of many promo animations for Donal Dinneen’s Backstory Dances | 2024
Poster for a performance by Isadora Esptein as part of Cork Midsummer Festival | 2024
Cover of an art publication for painter Kathy Tynan and writer/curator Benjamin Stafford | 2022
Promo animation for a New Year’s Eve party in The Big Romance | 2023
Film poster for the TG4 documentary REDS! na hÉireann by Kevin Brannigan | 2023
Digital flyer for New Jackson Easter Party at Hang Dai
Logo for the artist coalition Irish Artists for Palestine | 2023
A page from A Vague Anxiety, an art publication for a group show in IMMA | 2018


Welcome to Studio Stina Sandström, my new graphic design service. Based in Ireland, London and Sweden I work mainly within the arts, designing graphics for art, film, music, and events.

As the co-founder and former creative director of the design duo Bureau Bonanza, I bring you a new graphic design service with great sensibility, curiosity and appetite.

I have valuable experience working both on major branding projects for art spaces, annual programme campaigns for festivals as well as catering for individual artists, musicians and writers.
I’ve led projects with established Irish cultural organisations such as Project Arts Centre, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin Theatre Festival, IMMA and Luail – Ireland’s National Dance Company and I’m well aware of the specific needs of Arts Council funded projects.

Of recent, I’ve worked as a guest lecturer at the Graphic Design program at IADT Dun Laoghaire, Institute of Art, Design and Technology.

Email me for portfolio, specific case studies or more about pricing and process as well as proposal requests.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

All the Best,

Stina Sandström
©2024 Stina Sandström